Large black jungle monkeys were their company, as the monkeys would often sneak into the camp and steal whatever they could carry, particularly food. The Marines would chase the monkeys away with sticks and stones; but as days went by, the monkeys grew increasingly aggressive.
The Marines bout with the monkeys came to a climax one afternoon while the Marines were lounging in the shade. The jungle suddenly came alive with screams and frightened animals. The screams were coming from the monkeys, whom had gathered themselves into a large angry mass.
When the Marines looked towards the commotion, they saw the monkeys coming up the dirt road. Some of the monkeys were carrying sticks and stones, and throwing them in the direction of the camp. The sticks and stone would travel only a few feet, as the monkeys had poor technique. The frustrated monkeys would then move closer, pick up their weapons, and repeat the action. Each time, they drew closer to the camp, angrier, and louder.
The Marines, greatly outnumbers and without their weapons, knew that while the stick and stones were not a large threat, it was only a matter of time before the frustrated monkeys fell back on a more traditional attack, hitting and biting.
The Marines then retreated into their Radar Vans and watched through reinforced glass at the frantic monkeys destroyed everything they could get their hands on. When the monkeys finished, they quietly gathered what food they could carry and left. It was a much wilder party than anyone had envisioned.
Ha ha! Oh my gosh! I felt really sorry for the Marines, but I kind of felt sorry for the monkeys, too. How weird it must have been to have these new "animals" take over their area. At least they got some good food out of it. I have to admit that must have been kind of funny to watch. :D
Eugene: Congratulations on authoring such a well-written blog! I loved the monkey story, who knew they were such aggressive animals. They remind me of hungry teenagers! That I know about!
Attacking monkeys! That must have been a sight to see. Glad no Marines or animals were hurt.
My brother, fiction? I would have shot the shit out of the monkeys
so the saying stick and stones is true ;) A friend of mine made the mistake of wandering by their territory and got stuff hurled at him all along the trail.
great story.
I'm sure this isn't really the kind of battle Marines expect to find themselves engaged in, is it?
But you can hardly blame the monkeys, who evidently have figured out that we are a rather hostile species - and selfish about sharing food.
Next time you and your Marines are in the boonies (that's what we called it, back in the old Corps), take a wrist rocket or two with you.
Pelt a couple of the lead monkeys with a rocks or ball bearings, and the little hairy so and so's will get the hint.
The instincts of some mammals has always intrigued me, particularly primates. A vivid entry, and enjoyable to read.
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