Thursday, May 03, 2007

Sanctuary Revisited

I was twelve when I first began to practice meditation. It was my private way of relaxing. I imagined myself on a secluded tropical beach, barefoot, and walking across the sands. The crystal blue ocean was calm, and on its surface, amid shimmering sky-born lights, were reflections of distant places old and new. The sands gently massaged the soles of my feet, and as I entered the waters, they sank from warm to moist. Its waves lapped against my ankles, as slanted sunrays rested across my chest. My legs and thighs committed to the waters as I softly inhaled heavens mist. Then I submerged. Underneath the waters’ blanket, I had left all my earthly concerns behind. The perfectly warm waters gradually cooled as my body fell to deeper depths. They were still the perfect temperature when I found—against the seawall—the entrance to secret caverns. I entered them, where I found magical underground shores, more tranquil than those above. There, I had found my sanctuary


Flawed And Disorderly said...

Mmmmmmmm....that sounds peaceful and relaxing.

jafabrit said...

what a wonderful place to go :)

Cherry said...

I never be able to concentrate my mind to meditate. There's always anything that distract me. Even the tiniest sound can become a distraction.

Melanie Faith said...

The sanctuaries of our minds can never compare with the tangible. I think writers understand this well--their mental footprints continuously create the world around them. :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful description. . . it sounds like a great place you've created there in your mind.

zeezee said...

Calm and beautiful..

Sometimes we just need that private moment by ourselves, be it in real life or in imaginary world.

AVCr8teur said...

Thank you for that wonderful description. I will make sure to go there the next time I'm stressed.